We had a very busy holiday this time in Portugal. It was a non-stop traveling from north to south, visiting friends and family. With Filomena sister working we only had the weekends to be with her and therefore every weekend we travelled from wherever we were to Figueira da Foz, in the north, to be with her.
On the top of the page we have links to the main areas where we had been. Clique on each name to go to the respective page.
The main reason for our visit this year was to attend the reunion of my old army company (C.Caç 305 Os Escorpiões). I have not seen any of my old mates since we were send back from Cuito Cuanavale to the base in Sá da Bandeira in 1973.
As one can imagine it was a very emotional reunion for me, but what impressed me the most was the fact that no one talked about the bad times we had and only celebrate the "good old days".