We had a small party for Erica`s birthday and a visit of Rita for a weekend to commemorate her and Erica`s birthday. Miguel`s school was invited to provide the entertainment at the Manly Yacht Club and he performed in the Big Band and in a jazz band where he is a singer. A big navy exercise took place in the north of Queensland and the American and Australian ships stopped over in Brisbane.
Visit to Portugal
We visited Portugal for a month mainly to attend a reunion with my old mates from the army. We travelled from the north to the south of Portugal visiting friends and family. It was a great holidays but unfortunately was marred by the sudden death of my brother in law in the last week.
Endeavour Foundation Project - Final
We have completed the assignment for the Endeavour Foundation having inspected factories from Cairns in the north of Queensland to Stanthorpe in the south. A long assignment but at the end a rewarding exercise.
Fizemos uma pequena festa para o aniversário da Erica e a Rita visitou-nos por uma semana para comemorar o aniversário dela e da Erica. A escola do Miguel foi convidade a tocar no clube de iates de Manly e ele tocou na orquestra e tambem cantou na banda de jazz. Um grande exercício naval teve lugar no norte da Queensland e os barcos de guerra Americanos e Australianos fizeram porto em Brisbane.
Visita a Portugal
Visitámos Portugal por um mês especialmente para atender a uma reunião dos meus antigos camaradas do exército. Passeámos de norte a sul visitando familia e amigos. Foram uma férias boas mas infelizmente a última semana for ensombrada pelo inesperado falecimento do meu cunhado .
O Projecto da Endeavour Foundation - Final
Completei o exercício para a Fundação Endeavour tendo inspeccionado fábricas desde Cairns no norte da Queensland até Stanthorpe no sul. Um trabalho longo mas no final foi um exercicio que me satisfez