Human beings are inquisitive animals by nature and the first settlers were no exception. As soon as they settled into the new houses, they started exploring the surroundings and finding better places than Lubango. With the arrival of new settlers, the population grew and soon we saw the flourishing of new settlements. Humpata, Chibia, Huila and many others were created in a radius of one hundred kilometres from the original Lubango.
In 1905, Antonio, already a twenty seven years old lad, married Rita Rodrigues a seventeen year old Madeirense girl already born in Angola. Rita's parents came from Madeira in the same ship as Antonio and his parents. Rita's parents, Antonio Rodrigues and Rita Maria Nobrega were born in Camacha and also decided to come to Angola to look for a better place to bring up their children Maria, Joaquim, Manuel, Antonio, Adelaide, Domingos and Rita.
As it was the custom at the time, when Antonio and Rita married their parents helped them to build their house and gave them a "junta de bois" (pair of oxen), a plow and seeds. However the new generation was already feeling itchy and wanting to try new things.
In his spare time, Antonio became a lumberjack to save some money to fuel his dreams. It was hard for the family. Dad had to spend long periods in the bush cutting wood and Mum and the children had to look after the house and the crops, but of course the extra effort paid off and the Costa's saved enough to buy a boer wagon and a two-wheeled cart.
At that time Antonio and Rita had already six children and they decided to go north and try to find the place of their dreams. In 1914 Rita, Antonio, his younger brother Albino and their six children left Lubango and travelled north in search of their Shangri-La.
Rita and António in their house in Bela Vista